137 research outputs found

    Lenguaje amoroso, soporte comunicativo, pavimento, grafiti.

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    Este artículo se propone analizar a partir de un corpus de 750 mensajes la huella que el sentimiento amoroso deja en el pavimento callejero. Para ello, se ha dividido el trabajo en tres partes: comienza con una introducción temática sobre el amor; continúa con la descripción y explicación de las características de la narración sentimental plasmada en aceras y calzadas; y finaliza con unas conclusiones en las que se insiste en cómo el asfalto se ha convertido en un soporte comunicativo para los enamorados.Love messages on the pavement. The objective of this research is to analyze a corpus of 750 messages of love expressed on urban pavement. This paper is divided into three sections, beginning with an introduction to the question of love and followed by a detailed characterization of how feelings are expressed on sidewalks and public thoroughfares. Finally, conclusions highlight how asphalt has become a means of communication for lovers

    El lenguaje afectivo durante la crisis sanitaria de la gripe A

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    In this article we analyze the effects that, as seen through the written press, the arrival of H1N1 had on certain affective behaviors in society. After the spread of H1N1, health authorities recommended maintaining physical distance in social settings and, among other measures, advised against kissing. At first, this show of affection became a victim of the pandemic, especially in certain activities and rituals. However, once the media impact of swine flu had subsided, kissing recovered its habitual place and frequency, demonstrating that customs which are socially and culturally entrenched are resistant to change.El presente artículo analiza los efectos que según la prensa escrita tuvo la llegada de la gripe A en ciertos comportamientos afectivos de la población. Las autoridades sanitarias, tras la expansión del virus H1N1, recomendaron aumentar la distancia social y aconsejaron, entre otras medidas, evitar los besos. Esta manifestación afectiva, en un primer momento, notó los efectos de la pandemia, sobre todo en ciertas actividades y rituales. Sin embargo, una vez pasado el impacto mediático de la gripe A, recuperó su uso y frecuencia habitual, demostrando que las costumbres fuertemente enraizadas se resisten a cambiar

    La voz de la vestimenta: y las mascarillas hablaron

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    Este artículo pretende analizar la capacidad comunicativa de la ropa, especialmente de las mascarillas con la llegada del COVID-19. Para conseguirlo, se han recogido primero, informaciones y ejemplos sobre determinadas prendas a partir de una extensa bibliografía interdisciplinar, de los medios de comunicación escritos, audiovisuales y digitales, de la observación directa de la calle y de internet. Y seguidamente, se han seleccionado, ordenado y clasificado los materiales recopilados para describir y explicar lo que estos atuendos dicen. El trabajo demuestra que la ropa habla de nosotros y de la sociedad en la que vivimos. Y las mascarillas también, ya que, con la llegada de la pandemia, se han convertido en un soporte de mensajes de todo tipo. Los tapabocas sobresalen porque velan una parte del rostro, pero desvelan numerosas informaciones sobre nuestra identidadThis article aims to analyze the communicative capacity of clothing, especially face masks with the arrival of COVID-19. To achieve this, information and examples on certain items of clothing from an extensive interdisciplinary bibliography, written, audiovisual and digital media pieces were first collected as well as direct observation of the street and on the Internet. Then these have been selected, ordered and classified to describe and explain what these outfits say. The work shows that clothes speak out by themselves, of us and the society in which we live. This repeats with face masks too. Since the arrival of the pandemic, they have become a new way of communicating and transmitting messages of all kinds. The masks stand out because they veil a part of the face, but at the same time they reveal numerous details about our identity

    WEEE Recycling and Circular Economy Assisted by Collaborative Robots

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    Considering the amount of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) generated each year at an increasing rate, it is of crucial importance to develop circular economy solutions that prioritize reuse and recycling, as well as reducing the amount of waste that is disposed of at landfills. This paper analyses the evolution of the amount of WEEE collection and its recycling rate at the national and European levels. It also describes the regulatory framework and possible future government policy measures to foster a circular economy. Furthermore, it identifies the different parts and materials that can be recovered from the recycling process with a special emphasis on plastics. Finally, it describes a recycling line that has been designed for the dismantling of computer cathodic ray tubes (CRT)s that combines an innovative participation of people and collaborative robots which has led to an effective and efficient material recovery solution. The key issue of this human–robot collaboration relies on only assigning tasks that require human skills to operators and sending all other tasks to robots. The first results from the model show a better economic performance than current manual processes, mainly regarding the higher degree of separation of recovered materials and plastic in particular, thus reaching higher revenues. This collaboration also brings considerable additional benefits for the environment, through a higher recovery rate in weight and for workers, who can make intelligent decisions in the factory and enjoy a safer working environment by avoiding the most dangerous tasks

    When crystals become dust: Speleothem degradation processes in Praileaitz I Cave (Northern Spain)

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    Within the Praileaitz cave there are evident signs of deterioration of different types and generations, affecting both the host rock and the speleothems. The supports of many of the paintings, specifically the drapes, are in a clear state of deterioration due to disintegration of the texture of the speleothem, resulting from selective dissolution of the crystals and the creation of intercrystalline porosity. To analyse and study the different types of degradation and their causes, we gathered a total of 14 samples of speleothems and rock throughout the cave. The speleothems sampled are of different types and come from different growth phases. In order to monitor the parameters that may be causing the pathologies of degradation, a protocol was drawn up for measuring the environmental parameters and the condensation water and drip water in the cave. To analyse the water from the cave, samples were taken at four representative drip points in the cave and from condensation water.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tunable circular dichroism through absorption in coupled optical modes of twisted triskelia nanostructures

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    We present a system consisting of two stacked chiral plasmonic nanoelements, so-called triskelia, that exhibits a high degree of circular dichroism. The optical modes arising from the interactions between the two elements are the main responsible for the dichroic signal. Their excitation in the absorption cross section is favored when the circular polarization of the light is opposite to the helicity of the system, so that an intense near-feld distribution with 3D character is excited between the two triskelia, which in turn causes the dichroic response. Therefore, the stacking, in itself, provides a simple way to tune both the value of the circular dichroism, up to 60%, and its spectral distribution in the visible and near infrared range. We show how these interaction-driven modes can be controlled by fnely tuning the distance and the relative twist angle between the triskelia, yielding maximum values of the dichroism at 20° and 100° for left- and right-handed circularly polarized light, respectively. Despite the three-fold symmetry of the elements, these two situations are not completely equivalent since the interplay between the handedness of the stack and the chirality of each single element breaks the symmetry between clockwise and anticlockwise rotation angles around 0°. This reveals the occurrence of clear helicity-dependent resonances. The proposed structure can be thus fnely tuned to tailor the dichroic signal for applications at will, such as highly efcient helicity-sensitive surface spectroscopies or single-photon polarization detectors, among others

    Acoso escolar y depresión: el efecto moderador del apoyo social, el rechazo y el perfil de la victimización

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    Peer relationships can be shaped as influential factors in the prevalence of bullying episodes. This research aims to analyze the effect of school bullying on the levels of depression of the victims and to what extent it is affected by social support and status in the group and by the profile of victimization. Several hierarchical linear regression analyses were calculated, in a sample of 1063 students aged 10 to 14 (47.8% of girls, M = 11.59 years, SD = 1.21 years), from 10 school of the Region of Madrid. The degree of influence of the studied variables was observed: lack of social support, peer rejection, withdrawal and impulsivity behaviors, and the relationship of all of them with victimization and depression. Findings revealed the influence of the lack of social support on the depression of victimized students. However, peer rejection did not show influence on the levels of depression of the victims. In addition, victimization associated with internalizing characteristics showed a greater association with depression than victimization associated with an externalizing profile.Las relaciones dentro del grupo de iguales pueden conformarse como factores influyentes en la prevalencia de los episodios de acoso escolar. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto del acoso escolar sobre los niveles de depresión de las víctimas y en qué medida se ve afectado por el apoyo social, el estatus en el grupo y por el perfil de la victimización. Se calcularon varios modelos de regresión jerárquica lineal, en una muestra de 1063 alumnos, entre 10 y 14 años (47.8 % de chicas; M = 11.59 años, DT = 1.21 años), de 10 centros educativos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se observó el grado de influencia de las variables estudiadas: falta de apoyo social, rechazo de los pares, conductas de retraimiento y de impulsividad, y la relación de todas ellas con la victimización y la depresión. Los resultados revelaron la influencia de la falta de apoyo social en los alumnos victimizados sobre la depresión. Sin embargo, el rechazo de los iguales no mostró influencia sobre los niveles de depresión de las víctimas. Además, las víctimas con características de tipo internalizante mostraron una mayor asociación con la depresión que las víctimas con características externalizantes

    DNA Methylation of the Gonadal Aromatase (cyp19a) Promoter Is Involved in Temperature-Dependent Sex Ratio Shifts in the European Sea Bass

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    15 pages, 9 figures, 1 tableTemperature changes during early embryonic and/or larval stages are able to modify sex ratios in fish and reptiles. However, the underlying mechanism by which temperature is able to modify the molecular pathways that developing gonads follow to become ovaries or testes is still unknown. One of the most interesting questions raised from previous studies with our model species, the European sea bass, was how temperature could affect the developmental fate of the gonads at a time when they were not even formed in the most rudimentary manner. This was the telltale sign of an epigenetic mechanism. In this study, DNA methylation levels of the aromatase promoter were analyzed in European sea bass exposed to different temperatures during early developmental stages. Aromatase is the enzyme that converts androgens (male hormones) into estrogens (female hormones), which are essential for ovarian development in all non-mammalian vertebrates. We show that increased temperature during a critical period in early development is able to increase DNA methylation of the aromatase promoter, preventing aromatase gene expression. We conclude that gonadal aromatase promoter methylation is most likely part of the long-sought-after mechanism connecting temperature and environmental sex determination in vertebratesLN-M and ND were supported by predoctoral scholarships and JV and LR by postdoctoral grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCINN). Research was funded by MCINN projects “Sexgene” (AGL2006-01359), “Aquagenomics” (CDS2007-0002), and “Epigen-Aqua” (AGL2010-15939) to FP and by MICINN project BFU2010-18692 and AGAUR grant to LDC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptPeer reviewe

    De las tabletas a los MOOC en la LIJ 2.0 y la didáctica de lengua y literatura

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    Según los Informes Horizon 2013 y 2014 para la educación superior y para la etapa escolar, la programación en la nube, los cursos masivos abiertos en línea y el trabajo con tabletas y aplicaciones móviles serán las tendencias principales de los próximos años en tecnología educativa. Las tabletas y sus aplicaciones han entrado en todos los niveles educativos y ya es habitual verlas en cualquier clase por lo que es imprescindible conocer sus posibilidades para sacarles el máximo rendimiento. Además la Universidad de Alicante se ha convertido en referente en el diseño de MOOC con Unimooc como modelo pionero y XarxaMOOC como buque insignia en el ámbito lingüístico. Desde el área de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura y para reforzar el concepto LIJ 2.0 (lectura y literatura infantil y juvenil en la web social) queremos profundizar en ambos conceptos, presentar una breve panorámica y hacer un resumido estudio de casos para proponer una serie de ejemplos y herramientas que nos sean útiles en el futuro

    SUCCOR Nodes: May Sentinel Node Biopsy Determine the Need for Adjuvant Treatment?

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    Background: The SUCCOR cohort was developed to analyse the overall and disease-free survival at 5 years in women with FIGO 2009 stage IB1 cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to compare the use of adjuvant therapy in these women, depending on the method used to diagnose lymphatic node metastasis. // Patients and Methods: We used data from the SUCCOR cohort, which collected information from 1049 women with FIGO 2009 stage IB1 cervical cancer who were operated on between January 2013 and December 2014 in Europe. We calculated the adjusted proportion of women who received adjuvant therapy depending on the lymph node diagnosis method and compared disease free and overall survival using Cox proportional-hazards regression models. Inverse probability weighting was used to adjust for baseline potential confounders. // Results: The adjusted proportion of women who received adjuvant therapy was 33.8% in the sentinel node biopsy + lymphadenectomy (SNB+LA) group and 44.7% in the LA group (p = 0.02), although the proportion of positive nodal status was similar (p = 0.30). That difference was greater in women with negative nodal status and positive Sedlis criteria (difference 31.2%, p = 0.01). Here, those who underwent a SNB+LA had an increased risk of relapse [hazard ratio (HR) 2.49, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.98–6.33, p = 0.056] and risk of death (HR 3.49, 95% CI 1.04–11.7, p = 0.042) compared with those who underwent LA. // Conclusions: Women in this study were less likely to receive adjuvant therapy if their nodal invasion was determined using SNB+LA compared with LA. These results suggest a lack of therapeutic measures available when a negative result is obtained by SNB+LA, which may have an impact on the risk of recurrence and survival